import os import sys import numpy as np import matplotlib import itertools from matplotlib import pyplot as plt'ggplot') matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 12 name = 't14' caches = (48*1024, 1280*1024, 12*1024*1024) def get_labels(x): xlabels = [] for value in x: b = int(2**value) if b < 1024: xlabels.append(f'{b}B') elif b < 1048576: xlabels.append(f'{b//1024}K') elif b < 1073741824: xlabels.append(f'{b//1024//1024}M') else: xlabels.append(f'{b//1024//1024//1024}G') return xlabels # manually set ticks, to disable, set ticks = None line = np.linspace(1, 10, 9, endpoint=False) yticks = list(line)+list(line*10)+list(line[:2]*100) ylabels = {1 : '1 ns', 5 : '5 ns', 10 : '10 ns', 50 : '50 ns', 100: '100 ns'} ticks = {'l': (yticks, [ylabels[i] if i in ylabels else '' for i in yticks]), 'bw': (range(5,46,5), [f'{i} GB/s' for i in range(5,46,5)]), } # manually set limits, to disable set to ylim = None ylim = {'l' : (1, 200), 'bw' : (5,45), } for type_ in ('bw', 'l'): if type_ == 'bw': suffix = ('r', 'w') ylabel = '' title = f'Memory Bandwidth ({name}) [GB/s]' legend1, legend2 = 'read', 'write' pic = f'bandwidth-{name}.svg' plt_func = plt.plot else: suffix = ('seq', 'rnd') ylabel = '' title = f'Memory Latency ({name}) [ns]' legend1, legend2 = 'sequential access', 'random access' pic = f'latency-{name}.svg' plt_func = plt.semilogy data1 = np.loadtxt(f'{name}-{type_}{suffix[0]}.csv', delimiter=',') data2 = np.loadtxt(f'{name}-{type_}{suffix[1]}.csv', delimiter=',') # convert to bytes and then to the corresponding power of two if type_ == 'bw': x1 = np.log2(data1[:,0]*1024*1024).round() y1 = data1[:,1]/1024 x2 = np.log2(data2[:,0]*1024*1024).round() y2 = data2[:,1]/1024 else: x1 = np.log2(data1[::2,0]*1024*1024).round() y1 = data1[::2,1] x2 = np.log2(data2[::2,0]*1024*1024).round() y2 = data2[::2,1] ylabels = None xlabel = 'block size' xlabels = get_labels(x1) plt.figure(figsize=(8.5,7.5)) if type_ == 'l': # plot two empy plots so we advance the color cyle (bad trick) _ = plt_func([],[]) _ = plt_func([],[]) p1, = plt_func(x1, y1, 'o') plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.xlabel(xlabel) p2, = plt_func(x2, y2, 'o') if ylim and type_ in ylim: plt.ylim(*ylim[type_]) plt.xticks(x1, xlabels, rotation=60) if ticks and type_ in ticks: plt.yticks(*ticks[type_]) plt.legend((p1, p2), (legend1, legend2)) if ylim and type_ in ylim: miny, maxy = ylim[type_] else: miny = min(y1.min(), y2.min()) maxy = max(y1.max(), y2.max()) # caches for idx, cache in enumerate(caches): level = idx + 1 size = np.log2(cache) plt.plot((size, size), (miny, maxy), color = 'darkblue', alpha=0.4) plt.text(size-1, 2*miny, f'L{level}\n⟵', color='darkblue', verticalalignment='top') plt.title(title) plt.savefig(pic)