import os import sys from multiprocessing import Pool as ProcessPool import time def process_image(fname): n_threads = os.getenv('OMP_NUM_THREADS', '(unset)') print(f"Worker {fname=} OMP_NUM_THREADS={n_threads}") # An image is an array with width, height and three (RGB) color channels # (Sometimes there is a transparency channel too: RGBA) im = try: A = np.median(im, axis=2)[::4, ::4] except: A = np.array(im)[::4, ::4] # Decompose image U, S, Vh = np.linalg.svd(A) # Remove first singular value S[0] = 0 smat = np.zeros(A.shape, dtype=complex) smat[:min(A.shape), :min(A.shape)] = np.diag(S) # Re-compose image A =,, Vh)).real A = (256*(A - A.min())/A.max()).astype('uint8') return A if __name__ == '__main__': n_processes = int(sys.argv[1]) n_threads = int(sys.argv[2]) fnames = sys.argv[3:] # Check that the output folders exist, or create them if needed if not os.path.isdir('processed_images'): os.mkdir('processed_images') if not os.path.isdir('timings'): os.mkdir('timings') print(f"Controller with {n_processes} processes and {n_threads} threads / worker") # The environment that is set in the parent is inherited by child workers, # we need to set the variable before numpy is imported! os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(n_threads) # We delay the import of numpy because we have to set OMP_NUM_THREADS before import. # We delay the import of PIL in case it uses numpy internally. import numpy as np from PIL import Image # Time the execution start_time = time.time() with ProcessPool(n_processes) as p: new_images =, fnames) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time for im, fname in zip(new_images, fnames): im = Image.fromarray(im)'images', 'processed_images')) print(f'{n_processes} processes and {n_threads} threads and {len(fnames)} jobs: {elapsed_time}') # IO: Save the timing to a unique txt file filename = f'timings/{n_processes:02}_processes_{n_threads:02}_threads.txt' with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write(f'{n_processes} {n_threads} {elapsed_time:.6f}')