import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def sample_next_step(current_i, current_j, sigma_i, sigma_j, context_map, random_state=np.random): """ Sample a new position for the walker. """ # Combine the next-step proposal with the context map to get a next-step # probability map size = context_map.shape[0] next_step_map = next_step_proposal(current_i, current_j, sigma_i, sigma_j, size) next_step_probability = compute_next_step_probability(next_step_map, context_map) # Draw a new position from the next-step probability map r = random_state.rand() cumulative_map = np.cumsum(next_step_probability) cumulative_map = cumulative_map.reshape(next_step_probability.shape) i_next, j_next = np.argwhere(cumulative_map >= r)[0] return i_next, j_next def next_step_proposal(current_i, current_j, sigma_i, sigma_j, size): """ Create the 2D proposal map for the next step of the walker. """ # 2D Gaussian distribution , centered at current position, # and with different standard deviations for i and j grid_ii, grid_jj = np.mgrid[0:size, 0:size] rad = ( (((grid_ii - current_i) ** 2) / (sigma_i ** 2)) + (((grid_jj - current_j) ** 2) / (sigma_j ** 2)) ) p_next_step = np.exp(-(rad / 2.0)) / (2.0 * np.pi * sigma_i * sigma_j) return p_next_step / p_next_step.sum() def compute_next_step_probability(next_step_map, context_map): """ Compute the next step probability map from next step proposal and context map. """ next_step_probability = next_step_map * context_map next_step_probability /= next_step_probability.sum() return next_step_probability def create_context_map(size, map_type='flat'): """ Create a fixed context map. """ if map_type == 'flat': context_map = np.ones((size, size)) elif map_type == 'hills': grid_ii, grid_jj = np.mgrid[0:size, 0:size] i_waves = np.sin(grid_ii / 130) + np.sin(grid_ii / 10) i_waves /= i_waves.max() j_waves = np.sin(grid_jj / 100) + np.sin(grid_jj / 50) + \ np.sin(grid_jj / 10) j_waves /= j_waves.max() context_map = j_waves + i_waves elif map_type == 'labyrinth': context_map = np.ones((size, size)) context_map[50:100, 50:60] = 0 context_map[20:89, 80:90] = 0 context_map[90:120, 0:10] = 0 context_map[120:size, 30:40] = 0 context_map[180:190, 50:60] = 0 context_map[50:60, 50:200] = 0 context_map[179:189, 80:130] = 0 context_map[110:120, 0:190] = 0 context_map[120:size, 30:40] = 0 context_map[180:190, 50:60] = 0 context_map /= context_map.sum() return context_map def plot_trajectory(trajectory, context_map): """ Plot a trajectory over a context map. """ trajectory = np.asarray(trajectory) plt.matshow(context_map) plt.plot(trajectory[:, 1], trajectory[:, 0], color='r')