report_template = """ Report ====== The experiment was a {judgment}! Let's do this again, with a bigger budget. """ def send_report(result, smtp): if result > 0.5: judgment = 'big success' else: judgment = 'total failure' report = report_template.format(judgment=judgment) smtp.send_message( report, from_addr='', to_addrs=[''], ) from unittest.mock import Mock def test_send_report_success(): smtp = Mock() send_report(0.6, smtp) assert smtp.send_message.call_count == 1 pos_args, kw_args = smtp.send_message.call_args message = pos_args[0] assert 'success' in message smtp.reset_mock() send_report(0.4, smtp) assert smtp.send_message.call_count == 1 args, kwargs = smtp.send_message.call_args message = args[0] assert 'failure' in message