##### Mock basic m = Mock() m.x = 3 m.x m.f(1,2,3) m.whatever(3, key=2) m m.f m.g ##### special attributes and assert methods mock=Mock() mock.f(2,3) mock.f('a') mock.f.called mock.add.called mock.f.called mock.f.call_args mock.f.call_count mock.f.call_args_list mock.f.assert_called_with('a') mock.f.assert_called_once_with('a') mock.f.assert_called_with(2, 3) mock.f.assert_any_call(2, 3) mock.f.assert_has_calls(['a', (2,3)]) #### return_value and side_effect mock.g.return_value = 7 mock.g(32) mock.g('r') # useful to simulate file errors or server errors mock.g.side_effect = Exception('Noooo') mock.g(2) mock.g.side_effect = lambda x: x.append(2) a=[1] mock.g(a) a mock.g.side_effect = [1, 4, 5] mock.g() mock.g() mock.g() mock.g() ##### mock = Mock() mock.f(3,4) mock.g('a') mock.f.a() mock.method_calls result = m.h(32) result(1) m.mock_calls ##### spec from chaco.api import Plot m2 = Mock(spec=Plot) isinstance(m2, Plot) m2.add m2.add(12,'asdfasd') m2.aaa