Refactor maze code

This commit is contained in:
Rike-Benjamin Schuppner 2024-07-25 18:22:17 +02:00
parent 6f3e459e6e
commit 931534b990

View file

@ -60,113 +60,121 @@ const createPath = (cluster: Pos[]) => {
| 0 7
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
8 3 |
5 2 |
const refPoint0 = [0.5 * cellSize, offset];
const refPoint1 = [offset, 0.5 * cellSize];
const refPoint2 = [0.5 * cellSize, cellSize - offset];
const refPoint3 = [cellSize - offset, 0.5 * cellSize];
const refPoint4 = [offset, 0];
const refPoint5 = [0, cellSize - offset];
const refPoint6 = [cellSize - offset, cellSize];
const refPoint7 = [cellSize, offset];
const refPoints = [
refPoint0, refPoint1, refPoint2, refPoint3,
refPoint4, refPoint5, refPoint6, refPoint7
type PathMove = { next: [Pos, number], path: string };
const makeNextLine = (x: number, y: number, nextRefPoint: number): PathMove => {
const px = x * cellSize + refPoints[nextRefPoint][0];
const py = y * cellSize + refPoints[nextRefPoint][1];
return { next: [[x, y], nextRefPoint], path: `L ${px},${py}` };
const makeNextCurve = (x: number, y: number, nextRefPoint: number): PathMove => {
const px = x * cellSize + refPoints[nextRefPoint][0];
const py = y * cellSize + refPoints[nextRefPoint][1];
return { next: [[x, y], nextRefPoint], path: `A ${radius},${radius} 0 0 0 ${px},${py}` };
const makeNextCurveInner = (x: number, y: number, nextRefPoint: number): PathMove => {
const px = x * cellSize + refPoints[nextRefPoint][0];
const py = y * cellSize + refPoints[nextRefPoint][1];
return { next: [[x, y], nextRefPoint], path: `A ${radius_inner},${radius_inner} 0 0 1 ${px},${py}` };
const move = (x: number, y: number, corner: number): PathMove | undefined => {
let refPoint0 = [0.5 * cellSize, offset];
let refPoint1 = [cellSize - offset, 0.5 * cellSize];
let refPoint2 = [offset, 0.5 * cellSize];
let refPoint3 = [0.5 * cellSize, cellSize - offset];
let refPoint4 = [offset, 0];
let refPoint7 = [cellSize, offset];
let refPoint8 = [0, cellSize - offset];
let refPoint11 = [cellSize - offset, cellSize];
switch (corner) {
case 0:
// exit if wall to the top
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x && by === y - 1)) return;
// check if there is a wall to the left
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x - 1 && by === y)) {
return { next: [[x - 1, y], 7], path: `l ${- cellSize / 2} 0` };
return makeNextLine(x - 1, y, 7);
} else {
const px = x * cellSize + refPoint2[0];
const py = y * cellSize + refPoint2[1];
return { next: [[x, y], 2], path: `A ${radius} ${radius} 0 0 0 ${px} ${py}` };
return makeNextCurve(x, y, 1);
case 1:
// exit if wall to the right
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x + 1 && by === y)) return;
// check if there is a wall to the top
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x && by === y - 1)) {
return { next: [[x, y - 1], 11], path: `l 0 ${- cellSize / 2}` };
} else {
const px = x * cellSize + refPoint0[0];
const py = y * cellSize + refPoint0[1];
return { next: [[x, y], 0], path: `A ${radius} ${radius} 0 0 0 ${px} ${py}` };
case 2:
// exit if wall to the left
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x - 1 && by === y)) return;
// check if there is a wall to the bottom
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x && by === y + 1)) {
return { next: [[x, y + 1], 4], path: `l 0,${cellSize / 2}` };
return makeNextLine(x, y + 1, 4);
} else {
const px = x * cellSize + refPoint3[0];
const py = y * cellSize + refPoint3[1];
return { next: [[x, y], 3], path: `A ${radius},${radius} 0 0 0 ${px},${py}` };
return makeNextCurve(x, y, 2);
case 3:
case 2:
// exit if wall to the bottom
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x && by === y + 1)) return;
// check if there is a wall to the right
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x + 1 && by === y)) {
return { next: [[x + 1, y], 8], path: `l ${cellSize / 2},0` };
return makeNextLine(x + 1, y, 5);
} else {
const px = x * cellSize + refPoint1[0];
const py = y * cellSize + refPoint1[1];
return { next: [[x, y], 1], path: `A ${radius},${radius} 0 0 0 ${px},${py}` };
return makeNextCurve(x, y, 3);
case 3:
// exit if wall to the right
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x + 1 && by === y)) return;
// check if there is a wall to the top
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x && by === y - 1)) {
return makeNextLine(x, y - 1, 6);
} else {
return makeNextCurve(x, y, 0);
case 4:
// check if there is a wall to the left
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x - 1 && by === y)) {
const px = (x - 1) * cellSize + refPoint7[0];
const py = y * cellSize + refPoint7[1];
return { next: [[x - 1, y], 7], path: `A ${radius_inner},${radius_inner} 0 0 1 ${px},${py}` };
return makeNextCurveInner(x - 1, y, 7);
} else {
return { next: [[x, y], 2], path: `l 0 ${cellSize / 2}` };
return makeNextLine(x, y, 1);
case 5:
// check if there is a wall to the bottom
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x && by === y + 1)) {
return makeNextCurveInner(x, y + 1, 4);
} else {
return makeNextLine(x, y, 2);
case 6:
// check if there is a wall to the right
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x + 1 && by === y)) {
return makeNextCurveInner(x + 1, y, 5);
} else {
return makeNextLine(x, y, 3);
case 7:
// check if there is a wall to the top
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x && by === y - 1)) {
const px = x * cellSize + refPoint11[0];
const py = (y - 1) * cellSize + refPoint11[1];
return { next: [[x, y - 1], 11], path: `A ${radius_inner},${radius_inner} 0 0 1 ${px},${py}` };
return makeNextCurveInner(x, y - 1, 6);
} else {
return { next: [[x, y], 0], path: `l ${- cellSize / 2},0` };
case 8:
// check if there is a wall to the bottom
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x && by === y + 1)) {
const px = x * cellSize + refPoint4[0];
const py = (y + 1) * cellSize + refPoint4[1];
return { next: [[x, y + 1], 4], path: `A ${radius_inner},${radius_inner} 0 0 1 ${px},${py}` };
} else {
return { next: [[x, y], 3], path: `l ${cellSize / 2},0` };
case 11:
// check if there is a wall to the right
if (cluster.some(([bx, by]) => bx === x + 1 && by === y)) {
const px = (x + 1) * cellSize + refPoint8[0];
const py = y * cellSize + refPoint8[1];
return { next: [[x + 1, y], 8], path: `A ${radius_inner},${radius_inner} 0 0 1 ${px},${py}` };
} else {
return { next: [[x, y], 1], path: `l 0,${- cellSize / 2}` };
return makeNextLine(x, y, 0);
@ -186,7 +194,6 @@ const createPath = (cluster: Pos[]) => {
`a 1,1 0 0 0 0,${- cellSize + 2 * offset}`,
].join(" ");
const pathCommands = cluster.flatMap((startCell) => {
@ -197,14 +204,8 @@ const createPath = (cluster: Pos[]) => {
let refPoint = startRefPoint;
let refPointLoc = [[0.5 * cellSize, offset],
[cellSize - offset, 0.5 * cellSize],
[offset, 0.5 * cellSize],
[0.5 * cellSize, cellSize - offset]
const px = x * cellSize + refPointLoc[refPoint][0];
const py = y * cellSize + refPointLoc[refPoint][1];
const px = x * cellSize + refPoints[refPoint][0];
const py = y * cellSize + refPoints[refPoint][1];
let pathCommands = [];
pathCommands.push([`M ${px},${py}`]);