2024-heraklion-ODD/exercises/exercises2023/Exercise 2 Importing.md

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Exercise 2: Importing


Get comfortable with different ways of importing objects from a package.


  1. [if not done already] fork the repository

    https://github.com/ASPP/2023-heraklion-ODD and clone it to the laptop in a new directory

  2. You will be editing files within this directory

  3. Open a terminal and change to this directory, so that you can run the scripts that you are editing


  1. Work on the file brewing/example_usage_within_package.py:

    1. import and call the make_example_potion function from the module brew_potions.py function ➔ open a terminal, change to the brewing directory and run the script example_usage_within_package.py: what happens?
    2. change the import statement so that you can call the make_example_potion function like this: br.make_example_potion ➔ run the script again: what happens?
  2. Work on the file example_usage_outside_package.py, which is in the directory where you cloned the repo:

    1. import the brewing package inside the example_usage_outside_package.py that lives at the top level directory of the repo ➔ in the terminal, change to the top level directory of the repo, add the import statement and run the script example_usage_outside_package.py: what happens?
    2. import and call only the make_example_potion function from the module brew_potions.py, which is in the brewing directory ➔ run the script again: what happens?
    3. does it work? if yes, why? If no, why not?
    4. change the import statements so that it works, then check whether brewing/example_usage_inside_package.py from 1.2 still works.
  3. Work on the file scripts_and_notebooks/example_usage_different_folder.py:

    1. try to import and call only the make_example_potion function from the module brew_potions.py ➔ in the terminal, change to the scripts_and_notebooks directory and run the script example_usage_different_folder.py: what happens?
    2. does it work? if yes, why? If no, why not?