adding 2024 lecture timings

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Jenni Rinker 2024-08-30 16:38:21 +03:00
parent 346f51d973
commit 7e148afe36

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
### Slots
* 09.30 - 11.00
* 11.30 - 13.00
* 14.30 - 15.30
### Actual timings
**PART 1 (01h:40m)**
* 09.32. Fork/clone the repo
* 09.35. Begin exercise: why do we parallelize?
* 09.41. Begin section: Processes, threads and THE GIL.
* 09.47. Begin exercise: design dakos program.
* 09.54. Begin discussion.
* 10.04. Discussion ends, resume presentation.
* 10.06. Begin exercise: decode the metaphor.
* 10.35. Begin exercise: how can NumPy multithread?
* 10.44. Start kahoot quiz.
* 11.11. End kahoot quiz.
**(coffee break)**
**PART 2 (01h:50m)**
Exercise A
* 11.41. Introduce exercise A.
* 11.51. Begin exercise: first part of A.
* 12.02. Introduce second part of A.
* 12.25. Discuss: second part of A.
Exercise B
* 12.32. Begin live-coding demo.
* 12.45. Begin Exercise B.
* 13.02. End work exercise B (lunch).
* 14.31. Discuss results exercise B.
Exercise C
* 14.48. Begin exercise C.
**PART 3 (00h:30m)**
* 15.04. Begin presenting.
* 15.32. End lecture.
### Notes for next time
* REMEMBER for the kahoot to emphasize that the choices are
whether you should modify your code to use multiprocessing or
multithreading. The question at the end with numpy tripped up
* Exercise A:
* Some groups wanted to have a more rigorous timing so tried
to do a for loop.
* Took forever to make a PR, even through groups were done with
"basic" tasks.
* Almost everyone added the plot in the commit.
* Suggest rewriting the exercise text to be much more clear and
* Exercise B:
* The recursion in the fibonacci function in the live-coding made
some students confused. Consider making an example without
* Forgot in the live-coding to explain that you can do
as a context manager and what happens if you don't. But we were
short on time anyway...
* The exercise skeleton did not include code for the timing, nor
did we tell them they needed to add it. Consider modifying the
exercise text to be a bit more explicit that they need to do
that (faster for time).
* Exercise C:
* Not a lot of time to discuss this.
* Results are weird/not very great for student laptops. Is it even
worth it for them to try to run code on their laptop?
* Discussion was rushed.
* Consider to removing exercise and pure walkthrough, then ask the
students to analyse the results and explain why they do/do not
make sense.