2024-08-26 13:54:13 +02:00

107 lines
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This is code that is copy-and-pasted in the slides.
def test_arithmetic():
assert 1 == 1
assert 2 * 3 == 6
def test_len_list():
lst = ['a', 'b', 'c']
assert len(lst) == 3
def test_various():
assert 'Hi'.islower()
assert 2 + 1 == 3
assert [2] + [1] == [2, 1]
assert 'a' + 'b' != 'ab'
def test_1_and_2():
assert 1 + 2 == 3
def test_1_and_2_float():
assert 1.1 + 2.2 == 3.3
from math import isclose
def test_floating_point_math():
assert isclose(1.1 + 2.2, 3.3)
def test_floating_point_math2():
assert isclose(1.121, 1.2, abs_tol=1e-1)
assert isclose(1.121, 1.2, abs_tol=1e-2)
def test_floating_point_math3():
assert isclose(120.1, 121.4, rel_tol=1e-1)
assert isclose(120.4, 121.4, rel_tol=1e-2)
import numpy
def test_numpy_equality():
x = numpy.array([1, 1])
y = numpy.array([2, 2])
z = numpy.array([3, 3])
assert x + y == z
from py.test import raises
class SomeException(Exception):
do_something = do_something_else = lambda : 1
def test_raises():
with raises(SomeException):
def test_raises2():
with raises(ValueError):
def test_lower():
# Given
string = 'HeLlO wOrld'
expected = 'hello world'
# When
output = string.lower()
# Then
assert output == expected
def test_lower_empty_string():
# Given
string = ''
expected = ''
# When
output = string.lower()
# Then
assert output == expected
def test_lower1():
# Given
# Each test case is a tuple of (input, expected_result)
test_cases = [('HeLlO wOrld', 'hello world'),
('hi', 'hi'),
('123 ([?', '123 ([?'),
('', '')]
for string, expected in test_cases:
# When
output = string.lower()
# Then
assert output == expected